Insights on Education

Matthew Ruby Matthew Ruby

Artificial Intelligence in Education White Paper

AI in education refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies, such as machine learning algorithms (models that use data to make predictions and learn from outcomes) and natural language processing (NLP…systems that enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language), to improve teaching and learning processes. AI in education can include a wide range of applications, including personalized learning platforms, intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive assessments, chatbots, and predictive analytics.

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Katahdin Education Katahdin Education

Investing in Education White Paper

As investors study the range of investment opportunities available to them, an increasing number are giving the education market close consideration. It is a market with appeal that ranges from small investors interested in launching a single neighborhood school to multi-billion-dollar education companies serving millions of students worldwide.

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Katahdin Education Katahdin Education

Global Expansion White Paper

White Paper presenting our framework for considering campus expansion overseas and an overview of the practical steps for campus establishment.

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Katahdin Education Katahdin Education

How Good Does A School Need To Be?

Everyone in schools, public and private, lives in the daily challenges of the competitive, accelerating, and turbulent nature of contemporary education. What needs to be true for a school to thrive in these times? Here are some thoughts.

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Katahdin Education Katahdin Education

If It Ain’t Broke, Then What?

“How do you know it’s working?” To answer this, we must push through our confirmation bias, our tendency to favor information that confirms our preexisting ideas.

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Katahdin Education Katahdin Education

Change: Get Over It And Get On With It

Each school, public and private, contains and is surrounded by a unique set of assets that can become original and wonderful solutions for educating our children.

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